Thoughts on Survival of the Thickest
As a “thick” girl, I’m picky about stories that claim to capture the “thick” experience. If there is even a hint of victimizing, I’m out. Thank you, no, maybe that is the thick experience for you, but for me, I carry my thickness with acceptance and a killer sense of humor. I like my thick gurl narratives like I like my men: happy, healthy, and politely horny.
Which is why I absolutely LOVED Survival of the Thickest. Mavis is a junior stylist trying to navigate her way through the cutthroat waters of celebrity styling. When we meet her, she’s juggling a lot: a demanding lead stylist, vapid models, boobie tape, a hot handsy boyfriend/photographer, and a fashion shoot that just ain’t workin’. When her trite-ass boyfriend/photogapher can’t get the shot, of course our girl saves the day. And do you know how she is repaid for her brilliance? By walking in on her hot handsy boyfriend/photographer given’ backshots to a vapid model in Mavis’ bed.
In the business, we call that the INCITING INCIDENT.
Shelley Duvall’s Cigarette Explains THE INCITING INCIDENT
Over the course of 8 episodes (perfect length for binge-watching, btw), SotT offers a campy yet heartwarming account of one woman’s quest to hit it big in an industry that, traditionally, was not created with women like her in mind. Mavis’ talents reside in a niche market that ain’t all that niche—the average American woman is a size 16. Look it up! Most American women will relate to Mavis’ approach to fashion more so than the average fashion-centered shows and films of yesteryear (Sex and the City, The Devil Wears Prada, Emily in Paris).
Fashion aside, there is so much pure goodness packed into this brief, lovable show: Mavis’ zany best friends, her hilarious granola roommate, her hot/sweet Italian love interest, and her GORGEOUS mop of hair that will send straight-haired viewers into a jealous rage. Did I mention she’s in love with a Japanese toilet? Did I mention if you are a diehard RuPaul’s Drag Race fan like me, this show is for you? Several RDR faces scattered throughout: Peppermint, Michelle Visage, Nicole Byer. If this show gets greenlit for a 2nd season, let’s hope more RDR queens grace us with their magical presence.
When it comes to setting, there are TWO work environments that I cannot resist: The fashion industry and professional ballet companies. Perhaps because these environments already come spring-loaded with prima donnas, contradictions, high-maintenance body awareness, and an undeniable appreciation for beauty and art-making. Remind me to do a BEST OF list on fashion documentaries & ballet films.
So, why 4 stars? Why not 5? While I hope to see more of Michelle Buteau’s lovable creation, Mavis, in a 2nd season, I also hope to see a higher bar set for character arcs and intelligent ironies. Shows like Fleabag and Ted Lasso know that the key to a successful 2nd season is planting our protagonist into the farthest regions outside their comfort zone and asking them to find their way back home (Fleabag found true love . . . with a priest; Ted Lasso was forced to face-off with a therapist who saw right through his disarming charms.) How will SotT’s writers choose to explore Mavis’ more profound vulnerabilities? How will they bring a fresh, new intelligence to their characters without weighing down the comedy, and what will that balance look like? If SofT chooses the Emily in Paris route—relying on shallow workplace dilemmas and mismatched love connections—I won’t be mad. I love Emily in Paris! But as a thick girl who wants thick wins for my thick sisters, I’d love to see SofT kick it up by taking some smart risks in its storytelling.
If you like light-hearted, lovable, fashion-centered comedies with rom com vibes that feel more like a love story with one’s self than their counterpart, this might be the show for you.
SURVIVAL OF THE THICKEST | Created by Michelle Buteau & Danielle Sanchez-Witzel | Netflix
Premiere date: July 13, 2023